Do You Split 6s in Blackjack?

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games, and there are many strategies that can be used to improve a player’s chances of winning. Splitting pairs of cards is a key component of many of these strategies, but it is important to know when to do so and when not to. This article will cover the question, “Do you split 6s in blackjack?”

Splitting is a common strategy in blackjack because it increases your odds of creating a strong hand by improving the value of each individual card. In addition, splitting allows you to play your two cards in different ways. For example, a pair of sixes can be played as a weak hand (which only has a single value) or as a hard 17 or 18 with the addition of an ace.

When to split a pair of 6s in blackjack depends on the dealer’s up card and table rules. Generally speaking, it is more advantageous to split your pair of 6s when the dealer shows a 2 through 6 as these are weak values for the dealer and will increase your chances of beating the dealer’s hand.

However, it is important to note that you should not split your pair of 6s if the dealer shows a 7 through an ace as these are strong values for the dealer and will decrease your chances of beating the dealer’s hand. Furthermore, it is also best to not split your pair of 6s if you are playing with a limited number of decks as this will further reduce your chances of improving your hands.

Do You Split 6s Against a Deuce in Blackjack?

In the end, the answer to the question, “Do you split 6s against a deuce?” is yes. This is because the pair of 6s is a breaking hand and doubling against a dealer’s deuce yields lower negative EV than hitting.

As a result, it is more profitable to split your 6s and play them as separate hands than hit them. This is especially true in situations where you are not allowed to resplit your pairs, such as when the dealer shows a deuce or a 5.

Generally speaking, it is best to split your pair of 6s whenever possible and when the dealer is showing a weak upcard. This will allow you to create a stronger hand and give you a better chance of beating the dealer’s weak hand. However, it is important to note that you must not split your pairs if the dealer is showing a 7, 8 or 9. This is because the dealer will be able to beat your hand even if you are dealt a good card. As such, hitting is the optimal move in these situations.